
www.zige365.com 2009-9-9 15:25:51 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

Gallagher agrees with Skenazy that many nine-year-olds are ready for independence like taking public transportation alone. “At certain times of the day, on certain routes, the subways are generally safe for these children, especially if they have grown up in the city and have been taught how to be safe, how to obtain help if they are concerned for their safety, and how to avoid unsafe situations by being watchful and on their toes.”
But even with more traffic and fewer sidewalks, modern parents do have one advantage their parents didn’t: the cell phone. Being able to check in with a child anytime goes a long way toward relieving parental anxiety and may help parents loosen their control a little sooner. Skenazy got a lot of criticism because she didn’t give her kid her cell phone because she thought he’d lose it and wanted him to learn to go it alone without depending on mom—a major principle of free-range parenting. But most parents are more than happy to use cell phones to keep track of their kids.
And for those who like the idea of free-range kids but still struggle with their inner helicopter parent, there may be a middle way. A new generation of GPS cell phones with tracking software make it easier than ever to follow a child’s every movement via the Internet—without seeming to interfere or hover. Of course, when they go to college, they might start objecting to being monitored as they’re on parole (假释).
1. When Lenore Skenazy’s son was allowed to take the subway alone, he ________.
A) was afraid that he might get lost
B) enjoyed having the independence
C) was only too pleased to take the risk
D) thought he was an exceptional child
2. Lenore Skenazy believes that keeping kids under careful watch
A) hinders their healthy growth
B) adds too much to parents’ expenses
C) shows traditional parental caution
D) bucks the latest parenting trend
3. Skenazy’s decision to let her son take the Subway alone has net with ________.
A) opposition from her own family
B) share parenting experience
C) fight against child abuse
D) protect children’s rights
4. Skenazy started her own blog to ________.
A) promote sensible parenting
B) share parenting experience
C) fight against child abuse
D) protect children’s rights
5. According to the author, New York City ________.
A) ranks high in road accidents
B) is much safe than before
C) ranks low in child mortality rates
D) is less dangerous than small cities
6. Parents today are more nervous about their kids’ safety than previous generations because

A) there are now fewer children in the family
B) the number of traffic accidents has been increasing
C) their fear is amplified by media exposure of crime
D) crime rates have been on the rise over the years
7. According to child experts, how and when kids may be allowed more freedom depends on

A) the traditions and customs of the community
B) the safety conditions of their neighborhood
C) their parents’ psychological makeup
D) their maturity and personal qualities

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