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detect health problems or to perform (37)delicate surgery. Repair crews did not have a way of(38) identifying broken pipes located deep within a high-rise (39)apartment building. However, that’s about to change. Advances in computers and biophysics have started a micro miniature(40) revolution that allows scientists to envision and in some cases actually build microscopic machines. These devices promise to(41) dramatically change the way we live and work.

  Micromachines already are making an impact. At Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, research scientists have designed a 4-inch silicon chip that holds 700 tiny(42) primitive motors. At Lucas Nova Sensor in Fremont, California, scientists have perfected the world’s first microscopic blood-pressure sensor. Threaded through a person’s blood (43)vessels, the sensor can provide blood pressure readings at the valve of the heart itself.

  (44)Although simple versions of miniature devices have had an impact, advanced versions are still several years away.Auto manufacturers, for example, are trying to use tiny devices(45) that can sense when to release an airbag and how to keep engines and breaks operating efficiently. Some futurists envision nanotechnology also being used to explore the deep sea in small submarine, or even to launch finger-sized rockets packed with micro miniature instruments.

  “There is an explosion of new ideas and applications,” So, (46)when scientists now think about future machines doing large and complex tasks, they’re thinking smaller than ever before.

 Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in depth)

  Section A


  47. values, abilities and strengths

  48. doing the right things

  49. positive mental attitude

  50. manage themselves

  51. trust



  开篇第一句即指出领导才能在当今竞争激烈的商务领域的重要地位,是排名第二的重要词汇,并指出原因。随后进一步指出,研究领导才能的专家们会毫不犹豫地指出“做事情的方式”影响结果的成功与否,并且暗示着做事方式的对与错。最后,作者引用了曾经是一位出色管理人Peter Drucker总结的一句话:管理是将事情做对,领导是做对的事情。意即在Peter Drucker看来,优秀的领导人需要擅长做对的事情。以上都是先前存在的对商务领导才能的一些看法。

  随后第二段,作者就将话题一转 ,指出Stephen Covey在其畅销书中提出的观点开始引起人们反思先前对领导才能的理解。Stephen Covey指出先前的领导才能都是以人的性格和个性为中心,而他则倡导领导人必须了解实现高效的普遍原则,并且强调了领导人要想在工作中有杰出表现,先实现良好的自我管理是至关重要的。在此基础上,作者水到渠成地指出,要达到业务目标,必须要对自己的目标和重视的东西有清楚的认识。最后,作者总结出,商务领导才能就是要将首要的事情放在首要位置,这就暗示着在领导他人之前,你要先对自己的价值观、能力和优势有清楚的认识,并且要让自己在别人看来是值得信任的。换句话说,优秀的商务领导要十分了解自己,并且要能赢得他人的信任。

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