
www.zige365.com 2011-11-10 11:42:20 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
American law regards a partnership as an association

  of two or more persons who have agreed to

  combine their labour, property, and skill, or some or

  all of them, for the purpose of engaging in lawful

  business and shared profits and losses between them. 1. ____

  The parties forming such an association is known as 2. ____

  partners. Partners may create a name and use a real 3. ____

  family name or names for a partnership. The agreement

  to form a partnership is known as an article of

  co-partnership or partnership contract. The importantest 4. ____

  provision of the agreement is the one stipulating the

  manner of distributing profits. 

  Any number of persons may contract to forming 5. ____

  a partnership, and firms of partners may enter into

  partnership with one another. However, most 

  corporations have not power to enter into partnership 6. ____ 

  if such power is expressly given in the corporate charter 7. ____

  or article of association. New members may be

  admitted into an existed partnership only with the 8. ____

  consent of all the partners. The agreement of a partnership

  has a definite term of years in general. If no duration

  is specified, it is said to be a partnership at

  will and can legally terminate at any time by any 9. ____

  partners. A partnership can be dissolved or terminated 10. ____

  and the terms of the partnership agreement modified

  at any time.




  【参考译文】 该组织联合几方或全部的劳动,财产或技术,以从事合法的商业活动为目的,共享利润,共担损失。

  【详细解答】 句中,engaging in lawful business和shared profits and losses between them,作the purpose的定语。engaging与shared是并列的,他们的共同的逻辑主语是an association of two or more persons,在逻辑关系上,都是主动的,而且,share business本应该是动宾关系,而过去分词shared的误用却改变了这种关系,使shared profits成为一个由过去分词修饰的名词短语:共享的利润。从而使句法混乱,因此,将shared改为sharing。



  【参考译文】 构成这种组织的各方称为合伙人。

  【详细解答】 本句的主语是The parties,故谓语动词应该用are,在使用时,不要受an association的干扰。



  【参考译文】 合伙人可以给合伙企业起一个名字,也可以使用一两个真实的姓名作为合伙企业的名称。

  【详细解答】 表示并列关系常用的连词有两个:即and和or。and表示“和……”表示兼而有之,or表示“或……”,表示选择。句中的意思是:可以起一个名字,或者可以使用一个或几个真实的姓名。因此,不用and,而该用or.


  【参考答案】将importantest改为most important。

  【参考译文】 其中最重要的条款就是对如何分配利润作出的规定。

  【详细解答】 形容词的最高级有两种构成方法,一般情况下,加“est”,但多音节词则是most+形容词原形。句中,important属多音节词,正确的最高级形式应为most important。


  【参考答案】将forming改为 form。

  【参考译文】 形成合伙企业的人数不限。合伙企业之间也可以形成合伙企业。

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