
www.zige365.com 2010-8-22 17:44:06 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  46 Have you noticed her coat is wet? She must be caught in the rain.

  A     B   C     D

  C 考察情态动词的用法,must have done sth表示对过去的一种肯定的判断

  47 Teenagers always long for the time which they are able to be independent.

  A    B    C     D

  B 考察定语从句引导词

  48. Since the injury is bad, the doctors will operate him immediately.

  A     B     C     D

  C 考察动词短语的用法,operate on

  49. Let’s hurry up and try to get to the railway station in time, can we?

  A       B      C   D

  D 考查反意疑问句的用法

  50.He refused joining us last Saturday night. Don’t you think it strange?

  A   B       C      D

  B 考察动词的用法, refuse to do sth

  51. Some old beautiful Italian oil paintings are being displayed in the exhibition hall.

  A       B    C     D

  A 考察形容词的词序

  52. If you had been there, I’m sure you would have enjoyed to see the Chinese Team win.

  A         B    C      D

  C 考察动名词

  53. On seeing the boy fell into the river, she sprang to her feet and went to the rescue.

  A &#

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