
www.zige365.com 2010-8-22 17:44:54 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  16. When I mention the problem, I’m not ______ all of you.

  A. talking about  B. referring to  C. listening to  D. carrying out  B 考察动词短语的用法

  17. Your idea seems to be good but it isn’t _____.

  A. practical  B. possible  C. plentiful  D. precious  A 考察形容词的用法

  18. We were tired and nervous _____ the constant tension.

  A. from  B. for  C. with  D. off  C 考察介词的用法

  19. “Which do you want, the red one or the black one?”

  “_____. How about showing me another?”

  A. Either  B. Both  C. Neither  D. None  C 考察不定代词的用法

  20. “what makes her so unhappy?”

  “____ one of her favorite books.”

  A. Because she lost  B. Because of her losing  C. She lost  D. Her losing  D考察动名词的用法

  21. “I usually sleep with the windows closed at night, even in summer.”

  “You can never be ____ careful.”

  A. very  B. much  C. too  D. so  C 考察副词的用法

  22. “_____ is your nationality, Miss Green?”


  A. What  B. Where  C. Which  D. Who  A 考察疑问词的用法

  23. I hope the stove will _____ enough heat to warm the room.

  A. get over  B. give in  C. get out  D. give off  D 考察词组固定搭配。

  24.You look tired. Do you ______ a rest?

  A. like having  B. feel like having  C. like have  D. feel like to have  B 考察词组固定搭配。

  25. _____ the price is, they are prepared to pay.

  A. However  B. whichever  C. whatever  D. wherever  C 考察让步状语从句及其引导词

  26. Wait a moment, please. Richard will be back _____.

  A. in no time  B. at no time  C. at times  D. at a time  A 考察介词短语

  27 _____ I accept that the plan is not perfect, I do actually like it.

  A. When  B. Since  C. while  D. Unless  C 考察状语从句引导词

  28. She says she’d rather he _____ tomorrow instead of today.

  A. leaves  B. left  C. leave  D. would leave

  D 考察虚拟语气,would rather后面宾语从句要用过去时,表示虚拟语气,此句描述将来。

  29. I don’t think Mary understood what you said, _____?

  A. do I  B. didn’t she  C. did you  D. did she  D 考察反意疑问句的用法

  30. You _____ not have seen her yesterday, for she was abroad.

  A. must  B. should  C. could  D. would C 情态动词的用法,表示对过去发生事情可能性的判断

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