
www.zige365.com 2011-12-27 16:32:41 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
26. It turned out that the man was an excellent policeman working in New York, _____ had contributed a lot to the case.
  A. that   B. which   C. who   D. where

  27. _____ you don’t know the rule won’t be a sufficient excuse for your failure.
  A. It is    B. That   C. Because   D. What

  28. She is very ____ to ring me tonight. I can sense that.
  A. liable    B. possible    C. likely   D. likeable

  29. Small talk is a good way to kill time, make friends and ____ something with others.
  A. argue   B. replace   C. share   D. match

  30. Some people like drinking coffee, for it has _____ effects.
  A. promoting    B. stimulating    C. enhancing   D. encouraging

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