
www.zige365.com 2007-11-23 10:39:10 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
19) The IPX MAXIMUM-PATHS command does what (IPX MAXIMUM.PAT H S命令的作用是什么)?

  A. Allows IOS to share traffic to a given network over multiple paths

  B. Allows a slow link to be used as a backup for a faster one

  C. Sets the maximum number of router hops a packet can travel

  D. Sets the maximum number of interfaces IPX can be configured on

  20) Which command is used to show a concise list of the configured IPX interfaces (哪一个命令用于显示配置的I P X接口上的简明列表)?


  B. show ipx interface

  C. show ipx interface brief

  D. show interface

  21) If two devices are plugged into the same physical network, but are using diff e r e n t encapsulations, what it required before they can communicate (如果在相同的物理网络中加入了两个设备,但是使用不同的封装,在它们通信之前需要完成什么)?

  A. A cross-over cable

  B. A repeater

  C. A router configured for the appropriate encapsulations

  D. Nothing. They can communicate directly.

  22) When does a workstation normally send a GNS request (工作站一般在什么时候发出G N S请求)?

  A. When trying to communicate with another workstation

  B. When trying to locate the nearest router

  C. When it needs to send a SAP update

  D. When trying to locate a server at initialization

  23) How many router hops does a GNS request travel (一个G N S请求经过多少个路由器跳)?

  A. 16

  B. None

  C. 4

  D. Unlimited

  24) In a SAP update packet, what does the Server Address field contain (在S A P更新数据包中,服务器地址字段中包含什么)?

  A. The network the server is on

  B. The server’s node number

  C. The socket number the server is listening on

  D. All of the above.

  25) Which of the following protocols is used by servers to advertise their services to the clients (下面协议中的哪一个由服务器使用,以向客户通告它们的服务)?

  A. Routing Information protocol (RIP)

  B. Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX)

  C. Network Core Protocol (NCP)

  D. Service Advertising Protocol (SAP)

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