70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(6)

www.zige365.com 2007-10-25 11:50:31 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
s clients, multiple subnets w/ router, TCP/IP protocol, DHCP, WINS, DNS, must use hostnames... I followed the suggestion from an earlier braindump and created a chart - Solution
Ques. 1
Ques. 2
Ques. 3
Ques. 4

Req. 1

Req. 1

Opt. 1

Opt. 2

Opt. 3

This allowed me to stay focused.

Also an exhibit w/ the task of updating the routing tables for full connectivity.

I will be studying for Server and Workstation next. Good Luck everyone!

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70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(2)
70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(3)
70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(4)
70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(5)
70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(1)