Oracle9iAS 证书指南

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  __ Create a new OC4J
instance with which joins a
  [ ] Deploy Oracle9iAS clusters                  

  14. Managing Security                                   
  [ ] Explain basic se
curity concepts and common d
eployment topologies
  [ ] Describe the aut
Oracle HTTP Server
hentication and restriction

schemes available with the

  [ ] Define host based access control:    
  __ Use IP-based accdess control                
  __ Specify domain-based access control  
  [ ] Configure basic authenticati
on, including:
  __ Define user authentication di
rectives in .httpd.conf configuration file.

  __ Use authenticatio
n directives in .htaccess
  __ Use the htpasswd
command line utility to gene
rate a password file

  15. Securing Oracle
HTTP Server with Secure Sock
ets Layer (SSL)
  [ ] Describe SSL-based communication      
  [ ] Configure mod_os
basic authentication
sl using the appropriate dir

ectives and use SSL with

  16. Introducing Oracle9iAS Singl
e Sign-On
  [ ] Describe the Ora
cle9iAS Single Sign-On (SSO)
  [ ] Explain Single S
ign-On authentication to par
tner applications
  [ ] Use Single Sign-On Administr
ation page to:
  __ Edit SSO server credentials                  
  __ Configure the SSO server                        
  __ Add a partner application                      
  __ Add an external application                  
  [ ] Use the Delegate
administration, includin
d Administration Service (DA
S) for SSO user

  __ Create SSO user                                          
  __ Change password                                          

本新闻共7页,当前在第5页  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  

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