
www.zige365.com 2008-8-6 11:45:40 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

tool: facebook.com.
Penn State officers had warned the students in advance last October that crossing over from
the stands was a safety hazard and would not be permitted. When the rules were broken, a quick
search online revealed the facebook.com photo album "1 rushed the field after the OSU game and
lived." The album creator had even helpfully tagged all of those involved—offering the campus
police an easy way to issue stem warnings. "It was really dangerous and not acceptable behavior,"
says Tyrone Parham, assistant director at the PSU police. "We needed to send a message. We
searched the group, contacted the individuals and said that this was not tolerable behavior."
Long a student favorite and the seventh most-trafficked Internet site, facebook.com has found
a new following—those who wear blue. Traditionally, campus police forces have followed noise
reports in their attempt to keep Saturday nights safe. But the advent of social-networking sites is
starting to revolutionize campus detective work.
George Washington University police department chief Dolores Stafford claims, "Facebook
exists and can certainly be a tool, but we're not out there looking at the site." Students at the
college, however, are not so sure. When rumors flew that campus cops were using the student
social network to infringe their right to party, GWU students decided to exact revenge. In a
carefully executed plan, students filled facebook.com with chatter about a raging party they were
throwing, hoping the police would be watching. They were not disappointed. When the officers
arrived, they found shots glasses brimming with chocolate cake, Beirut cups filled with frosting,
and partygoers loaded up on sugar rather than alcohol.
While the GWU police deny using the Internet to find the party, the students felt vindicated.
'Cake Party' attendee Kyle Stoneman comments: "From a larger standpoint, there's nothing
immoral or illegal about the police using facebook.com. I guess they'll play their game, we'll play
ours, and we'll see who wins."
For college police forces, however, the issue is about more than winning. Instead, they try to
find that delicate balance between upholding the law (read: preventing underage drinking) and
maintaining good relations with the students (read: turning a blind eye). "It's a never-ending
struggle," says Fisher College Chief of Campus Police John McLaughlin. "Like any other college
and university, we want this to be as open of a relationship as possible. We don't want to be too
obtrusive and we also don't want to be too strict. It requires real diligence."
1. Which of the following best describes facebook.com?
(A) It is a popular website with the students.
(B) It is crime-fighting tool invented by the police.
(C) It is an electronic book of strict campus regulations.
(D) It is a virtual party held on the Internet.
2. What is the traditional way for the campus police to ensure security on Saturdays?
(A) To patrol the campus regularly.
(B) To check the students' website.
(C) To monitor noises on the campus.
(D) To warn the students in advance.
3. What does the author try to show with the "Cake Party" incident?
(A) It was wrong of the police to interfere in the party.
(B) The police were definitely looking at the website.
(C) The students tried to protect their own right.
(D) Parties like this one were dangerous.

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