
www.zige365.com 2009-3-17 9:08:08 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  Harvard University says its endowment has tumbled $8 billion in the four months since the end of the last fiscal year. The school’s endowment is the largest in higher education. The estimated 22 percent decline is the school's sharpest endowment drop in modern history. The endowment was valued at $36.9 billion on June 3. The school has said its U.S. stock portfolio and foreign equity portfolio had taken hard hits recently. The university's president warned that the estimated drop may be conservative because some money managers have yet to report figures.
  Question 6: What can we know about the world’s efforts to fight pirate attacks?
  Question 7: At a press conference in New Delhi, what did US Secretary of State Rice urge Pakistan to do?
  Question 8: What is Canada’s Minority Conservative Government likely to do according to the news?
  Question 9: Which of the following statements is true about the political situation in the Philippines according to the news?
  Question 10: At least how much has Harvard University’s endowment dropped since the end of the last fiscal year?
  本次新闻题选材自China Daily, Reuters等国内外权威英语媒体,时间点为2008年12月初的新闻。  加入收藏夹
  · 欧盟舰队开赴索马里打击海盗
  · 美国国务卿敦促巴基斯坦配合恐怖主义袭击调查
  · 加拿大保守党政府与议会的斗争
  · 菲律宾总统躲过议会弹劾
  · 哈佛所获捐赠资金大幅减少
  anti-piracy operation 打击海盗
  humanitarian aid 人道主义援助
  US Secretary of State 美国国务卿
  Mumbai attacks 孟买袭击
  rampage 肆虐
  peace process 和平进程
  transparently 透明地
  Parliament 议会
  Conservative 保守党
  coalition government 联合政府
  impeachment 弹劾
  opposition 反对派
  House of Representatives 众议院
  endowment 校友捐赠
  fiscal year 财年
  portfolio 投资组合

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