2009年3月高级口译考试SECTION 4原文+听译答案

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  Passage two
  According to the latest report issued by the Department of Health, there are now 13 states, where more than a quarter of the adult population is overweight or obese. Nevada is the only state that saw a decrease in the percentage of the obese adult compared to last year’s report. Overall, adult obesity rose from 15% in 1985 to 32% in 2007. Taken together, individuals who are either overweight or obese comprise 64% of the US adult population. Obesity among children is increasing at an even more alarming pace, having more than tripled in the past two decades.
  根据卫生部最近发布的一份报告显示,已经有十三个州的成人肥胖 人口比例超过1/4。和去年的报告相比,内华达是唯一一个肥胖率有所下降的州。总体来说,成人肥胖率已经从1985年的15%上升到2007年的32%。 超重和肥胖的人口总地加起来占美国成人总人口的64%。儿童中的肥胖率在以惊人的速度上升,在过去二十年中已经增长了三倍。

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2009年3月高级口译听力conversation 3原文
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