
www.zige365.com 2009-3-17 9:19:41 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  Urban areas are usually lacking in financial resources, therefore they are not able to repair all the problems in these areas, such as sanitation, education and many other categories. America has hired 50% more teachers in the last few years than have been hired in the past, but the increase in population keeps the classrooms just as large. The effort does not meet the need, thus the problem remains as strong as ever. Due to the overpopulation in urban areas and the lack of employment opportunity, the crime rate is still a huge problem in which they are faced with. Also, the lack of the traditional family structure and weakened bonds of kinship weaken the moral of the children growing up in the urban areas. These children grow up in poverty, and usually look at crime as a quick and easy way out. Problems in urban areas are far more serious than can be handled in any short-term efforts. We can only hope to contain them and attempt to make sure that no more problems arise from the already existing ones.
  本文主题是围绕Urbanization城市化, 该主题在07.9已考过一次,本次考试再次涉及,相对前次,难度加深,涉及到了犯罪上升、城市污染、就业失业等多个热点话题,这些话题都属于我在课堂指出的十大热点话题范围内。体现在词汇难度上和文章深度上,想必会使很多同学感到紧张。虽然文章中词汇难度加大,但如果考生完全可以拨开迷雾,直击考点。而做到这一步的关键,便是对笔记考题的几大“信号”烂熟于胸。
  在上海新东方课堂上我通过考试文章文体一贯的特点和出题的规律,讲了哪些信息是考试必须要记下来的,总结了必备“信号词”— 即什么时候该听,什么时候才记。本文与往年相比也不例外,多个空格出在文中的数字、列举、重要,及作比较的句子中。而其他难词,就算未听懂(人并非金山词霸,尤其对很多临阵磨枪的考生来说),由于它们在考题中的地位并不重要,所以依然可以在听文章时跨越障碍,取其精华。大家也可以对照真题及考试原文,画出原句所在,来感受一下标志词的技巧。如比较类:more +falling+growing(共6处) ,列举类(4处)。而最后填词时很多空格可利用我再最后新东方考前串讲时提到的填词三步法迅速找出思路,填出同义词即可得分。

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2009年3月高级口译考试SECTION 4原文+听译答案