
www.zige365.com 2008-11-24 11:11:36 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  Even in the case of the more physically harmful of human indulgences, repressive legislation often merely increases the damage by causing more vicious activities designed to perpetuate the indulgence in secret. On the whole, though negative, gambling is no vice within reasonable limits. It would still exist in an ideal society. The most we can hope for is control over exaggerated profits resulting from its business exploitation, far more attention and research devoted to the unhappy gambling addict and the type of education which will encourage an interest in so many other constructive activities that gambling itself will lose its fascination as an opiate to a dreary existence. It could be regarded as an occasional mildly exciting game, never to be taken very seriously.

  87. According to the author, we gamble regardless of the risk because we

  A. want to survive.

  B. usually win in the gamble.

  C. don't know the indirect consequences of the action.

  D. wish to achieve what may bring us satisfaction.

  88. The bringing into existence of children is also a gamble because they may

  A. be mentally retarded.

  B. become our disappointment

  C. go against us

  D. become our opponents.

  89. According to the passage, we all take risk in gambling because we are

  A. born with the tendency of taking risks.

  B. forced to achieve satisfactory result.

  C. obliged to achieve what we desire.

  D. born with the nature of achieving satisfaction.

  90. The gambling instinct, according to the author, is reinforced by humans' desire to

  A. give up unnecessary property.

  B. add more to their material possession.

  C. get desirable commodities.

  D. change their living conditions.

  91. Which of the following is true?

  A. If we dare to gamble, we will usually win.

  B. If we use commonsense to gamble, we will usually lose.

  C. The luck is usually on our side so long as we have the confidence to change our fate.

  D. We all have the luck to win the gamble if we use commonsense.

  92. Which of the following is true?

  A. The more the methods to gamble, the fewer the chance to succeed.

  B. Commonsense plays a role in succeeding in a gamble.

  C. The more methods there are, the less profit we will make.

  D. The more methods there are, the more chances for us to win a gamble.

  93. Who get profits from gambling activities with no risks?

  A. Those who organize the activities.

  B. Those who often go to state lotteries.

  C. Those who often go to football pools.

  D. Those who do not take it so seriously.

  94. Many people would like to give away a small sum of money because they constantly thing the donation may

  A. not affect their general income.

  B. bring them unexpected big sums of money.

  C. help them preserve their temper and patience.

  D. bring them some pennies from heaven.

  95. According to the author, gambling may lose its fascination if we

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