
www.zige365.com 2012-8-14 11:49:31 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  When the great Roberto Goizueta was CEO of Coca-Cola he used to talk about this problem of setting examples and once observed, “Sometimes you must have an execution in the public square!” But of course he was speaking only figuratively. If he had just listened to his own words, Goizueta might have been an even better CEO.

  Differentiation. This is one of Jack Welch’s favorite concepts — the idea that managers should treat different employees very differently based on performance. Welch liked to differentiate with salary, bonus, and stock options, but now, in what must henceforth be known as the post-Provenzano management era, we can see that GE’s great management thinker just wasn’t thinking big enough.

  This Times article is tantalizing and frustrating. In just a few sentences it opens a whole new world of management, yet much more surely remains to be told. We must all urge Provenzano to write a book explaining his complete managerial philosophy.

  2. Read the following Chinese passage and then write an English summary of approximately 250 words that expresses its central ideas and main viewpoints (40 points, 50 minutes)

  越是对原作体会深刻,越是欣赏原文的每秒,越觉得心长力 ,越觉得译文远远的传达不出原作的神韵。返工的次数愈来愈多,时间也花得愈来愈多,结果却总是不满意。……例如句子的转弯抹角太生硬,色彩单调,说理强而描绘弱,处处都和我性格的缺陷与偏差有关。自然,我并不因此灰心,照样“知其不可为而为之”,不过要心情愉快也很难了。工作有成绩才是最大的快乐:这一点你我都一样。


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