
www.zige365.com 2009-9-4 14:50:28 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension



  M: Can you speak French?

  W: A little.

 1.What language can she speak a little?

  French.         Chinese.        English.        


  A: Is today really January 10? How time flies!

  B: Yes, and I have another lecture to give.

  A: When is it?

  B: A week from tomorrow.

 2.When will the lecture be given?

  January 18.       January 2.       January 11.       


  M: Could I get a ride with you to the concert tonight?

  W: I can't go, but you might ask Betty. I think she's leaving around 7:30.

 3.What does the woman mean?

  The man could probably go with Betty. 

  She has already been to the concert. 

  Betty is taking her to the concert. 


  M: Can you help me with these books?

  W: In a minute. I'm almost through with this chapter (章,回,篇).

 4.What is the woman doing?

  Helping with the books. Arranging the books.  Reading a book.     


  M: Can I see `Titanic' on Sunday?

  W: I'm not sure.

 5.When does the man want to see "Titanic"?

  Sunday.         Saturday.        Monday.       

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