
www.zige365.com 2009-9-4 15:33:48 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

   29 the story also proves the shortage of words and expressions. 30 “cool,” some people have no words to express the same meaning. So it is 31 to improve our word strength to maintain some 32 .
  As a popular word, “cool” stands for a kind of special 33 that people can accept easily. Excepting “cool,” can you think of many words that 34 your life as colorful? I can. And I think they are also very 35 .
  16. A. find   B. take  C. show   D. make sure
  17. A. changed  B. been developed C. been cleaned D. informed
  18. A. turn out  B. take on  C. take in  D. come into
  19. A. satisfaction B. interest  C. sense  D. interesting
  20. A. to say  B. telling  C. shout  D. saying
  21. A. famous  B. out of date  C. favourite  D. modern
  22. A. in stead of  B. in place of C. to take place of D. exchange
  23. A. is used to  B. showing  C. used to   D. explaining
  24. A. write for  B. copy down  C. describe  D. say something
  25. A. phrase  B. word  C. story  D. sentence
  26. A. However  B. May be  C. As far as  D. Perhaps
  27. A. The just thing B. the very mean C. some methods D. the best way
  28. A. the means  B. what  C. how  D. wherever
  29. A. And  B. If   C. So  D. But
  30. A. Without  B. Using  C. Not being used D. With
  31. A. important  B. necessary  C. impossible  D. natural
  32. A. true  B. belief  C. richness D. interest
  33. A. habit  B. culture  C. language  D. enjoyment
  34. A. put   B. change   C. better  D. make
  35. A. cool  B. easy  C. difficult  D. important
  A Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge of the work in the past. There is another large reservoir (知识库) which may be called experience, and the college student will find that every craftsman (工匠) has something he can teach and will generally teach gladly to any college student who does not look down upon them . The information from them differs from (不同于) that in textbooks and papers chiefly in that its theoretical (理论的) part -- the explanations of why things happen -- is frequently quite fantastic (神奇的) . But the demonstration (示范) and report of what happens , and how it happens are correct even if the reports are in completely unscientific terms (术语). Presently the college student will learn, in this case also, what to accept and what to reject. One important thing for a college student to remember is that if Aristotle could talk to the fisherman, so can he.
  Another source of knowledge is the vast store of traditional (传统的) practices handed down from father to son , or mother to daughter, of old country customs (习惯), of folklore (风俗). All this is very difficult for a college student to examine, for much knowledge and personal experience is needed here to separate good plants from wild grass. The college student should learn to realize and remember how much of real value science has found in this wide, confused wilderness and how often scientific discoveries of what had existed in this area long age.  

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