
www.zige365.com 2012-8-16 13:40:36 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  Amanda is careful about anything that touches her lips. She (16) instructions on every food pack and does all she can to (17) "forbidden" foods. She (18) everyone about the things being used in cooking. Before a trip to Australia, she phoned every airline (19) she found one (20) to ban (禁止) nuts from the (21) . Going too far Not when you have food allergies (过敏症) that can put your (22) in danger.“I’11 waiters that even the (23) amount of peanuts could kill me," says Amanda. With (24) allergies topeanuts and shellfish, Amanda has to play by the rules. (25) , she still gets in trouble. A few years ago, she went to a New Year's Eve party (26) there were bowls of peanuts on the tables. They were (27) when she arrived, but still she kept her (28) in a side room. At midnight, as people came in to wish her happy new year, she (29) to feel short of breath and was dying for (30) . "I took some anti-allergy medicine, then left," says Amanda. " (31) home I was struggling to (32) and my head began aching uncontrollably. "

  Amanda knew she had to (33) to hospital fast. "I'm going into shock," she said breathlessly to (34) when she arrived. They gave her intramuscular adrenalin (肾上腺肌肉注射) , which probably (35) her life.

  16.A copies B collects C reads D knows

  17.A keep off  B ask for  C depend on D try on

  18.A tells  B teaches  C tests  D questions

  19.A as  B if  C unless  D until

  20.A required  B struggling  C willing  D guided

  21.A plane  B visitors  C airport  D tourists

  22.A food  B party  C party  D life

  23.A regular  B tiniest  C same  D limited

  24.A common  B quick  C serious  D heavy

  25.A Even so  B In addition  C Instead  D Therefore

  26.A as  B when  C where  D which

  27.A served  B removed  C shared  D offered

  28.A medicine  B secret  C position  D distance

  29.A pretended  B stopped  C emembered  D began

  30.A air  B water  C rest  D warmth

  31.A Staying  B Driving  C Leavin  D Missing

  32.A move  B breathe  C sleep  D speak

  33.A talk  B return  C get  D write

  34.A doctors  B her parents  C the clerks  Df riends

  35.A cured  B changed  C improved  D saved

  第三部分 阅读理解



  At first, I thought it was just useless e-mails. It was the end of the weekend and I hadn't checked my e-mails since late Friday afternoon. There was a long list of messages. Some I removed without reading. Others were from friends-I saved those to read later when I had more time.

  One stood out from the rest for two reasons. The first was the name, Maher Nawaf, which I didn't recognize. The second was the subject line: "pleas papers. " Clearly, the e-mail was仕om someone who did not have a complete mastery of the English language.

  The message was from an Iraqi, a university research scientist in Mosul who wanted permission to reprint a research paper I had written. As a scientist, I' m used to getting these kinds of requests; it' s part of the give and take among researchers that I especially like. I wrote back the next day, asking for more information about the type of work he was doing. I also wished him and his family best for their safety and well-being during this dangerous time in his land.

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