实用英语阅读——《To ban, or not to ban?谁动了我的电脑?》

www.zige365.com 2012-10-9 15:30:37 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Zhao Qianyi, 18, a freshman at Jilin University, feels lost without his computer, on which he connects with family and friends, watches videos and even does homework.


  To make matters worse, Zhao will be without his computer for the entire year. “It is very inconvenient,” he said. “Many freshmen are complaining.”


  This year, Jilin University announced a ban on freshmen bringing computers to their dorms.


  The decision has drawn complaints from both students and experts, as more and more schools decide to impose such bans to encourage freshmen to focus more on their studies rather than screens.


  At China University of Petroleum in Beijing it is already a tradition to ban freshmen from bringing computers to their dorm.


  “We found over the years that following an intense high school environment, some freshmen tend to indulge in their freedom on Internet,” said Chen Dongsheng. “Many experienced a slump in their grades at college.”


  Preventing such indulgences is cited by many schools as a reason for banning computers in freshmen dorms.


  Wang Guanjun, a Qingdao-based psychologist, agrees with this measure. He said that self-control among high school graduates is not strong enough to grant them total freedom.


  “Many freshmen are overwhelmed by being in charge of everything in their lives and they are prone to indulge,” said Wang.


  Some freshmen also understand the ban.


  Chen Jiamin, 18, is a freshman at Nanjing University. She said that if she needs a computer for studying purposes she always goes to the library, whereas a computer in the dormitory functions more like an entertainment unit.


  “The library computers are good enough for word processing and research,” said Chen. “And without computers in the dormitory, we can spend more time talking to roommates rather than chatting online.”


  However, Zhang Xin, from the Education School at Qingdao University, said that students have to learn self-control by themselves. An order imposed by the school might have the opposite effect.

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