实用英语阅读_Marketing tricks work你是个精明的买家吗?

www.zige365.com 2012-8-8 14:24:49 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
 You are careful with your money: you collect all kinds of coupons; look for group-buy deals if you dine out; you don’t buy clothes unless in a sale. Does all this make you a shrewd consumer?


  Let’s do the math first: you walk into a coffee shop and see two deals for a cup of coffee. The first deal offers 33 percent extra coffee. The second takes 33 percent off the regular price. What’s the better deal?


  Well, they are about the same, you’d think. And you’d be wrong. The deals appear to be equivalent, but in fact, they are different.


  Here’s the math: Let’s say the standard coffee is 10 yuan and let’s divide the amount of coffee into three portions. That makes about 3.3 yuan per portion.


  The first deal gets you 4 portions for 10 yuan (2.5 yuan per portion) and the second gets you 3 portions of coffee for 6.6 yuan (2.2 yuan per portion) and is therefore a better deal.


  In a new study published by the Journal of Marketing, participants were asked the same question, and most of them chose the first deal, the Atlantic website reported.


  Why? Because getting something extra for free feels better than getting the same for less. The applications of this insight into consumer psychology are huge.


  Instead of offering direct discounts, manufacturers or shops offer larger sizes or free samples.


  According to the study, the reason why these marketing tricks work is that consumers don’t really know how much anything should cost, so we rely on parts of our brains that aren’t strictly quantitative.


  There are some pitfalls we should be aware of when shopping. First of all, we are heavily influenced by the first number.


  Suppose you are in Hong Kong on a shopping spree. You walk into Hermes, and you see a 100,000 yuan bag. “That’s crazy.” You shake your head and leave.


  The next shop is Gucci, a handbag here costs 25,000 yuan. The price is still steep, but compared to the 100,000 yuan price tag you just committed to your memory, this is a steal. Stores often use the gap in prices to set consumer’s expectation.

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