用手机记录点滴改变生活_Smart or self-obsessed

www.zige365.com 2012-8-22 16:33:00 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  It turns out that he was simply focusing more on the bad days, and ignoring the good days. The mood app helped him see and value the brighter side of life.


  Self-quantification also helped increased Rico’s productivity as a writer. He believed he was hard working enough on his new book, but then he started tracking how often he wrote, and realized he was only thinking about writing. Further self-quantification of those periods when he did do writing allowed him to recognize what time of the day he was the most productive, which in turn allowed him to make adjustments that improved his productivity.


  His activity timer helped his life become more fulfilling. Rico says it revealed that no matter how busy he thought he was – work, writing, and friends, and the activities of taking care his family — he still had large unproductive pockets of time. Realizing that better management of this time meant he could take on a new hobby, he started applying to PhD programs.


  The main criticism of self-quantifiers is that it’s a decadent indulgence of the self, Rico says.


  Perhaps in a world of social networks which pay so much attention to one’s self, the last thing we need is to also record data about ourselves.


  But self-quantifying is anything but indulgent, Rico points out. Rather, “it is about deflating the self, breaching the fantasy assumptions about ourselves by introducing disruptive cold hard facts, facts that often demonstrate we’re actually not what we thought.”



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