实用英语阅读—大学新生手册:选专业 莫着急

www.zige365.com 2012-9-20 15:26:24 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  “Some consider the biology major to be of little use as you can hardly earn big money; others think they can go abroad with this major,” he said. “Both are unrealistic.”


  Students should be patient and not make any hasty decisions. Some universities offer double majors, or even triple majors, if you really can’t decide.


  Hao Jian, a senior human resources consultant at Zhaopin.com, a leading HR service site, says that a college major is important for a person’s first job after graduation.


  But he also points out that studies show most people change careers four or five times in their lives.


  “No existing major can prepare you for that,” he said. “And you should believe that all things you learn on campus will be of help at some point in your life.”


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