
www.zige365.com 2012-7-13 9:05:25 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  A段说员工们担心工作保障。原文中说“The 1,100 staff had lost confidence in the company and did not know what was going to happen to them”,1100号员工对公司失去了信心,不知道将会发生什么。和A的意思吻合。


  这个题目关键是能理解job security的意思,它是商务英语里地道常见的用法(同样的还有employment security):

  job security:a situation where a job is likely to last for a long time and you will keep the job if you do what you are expected to

  eg: Consumers have cut back on their spending because of worries about job security.


  a high/low level of job security to have/improve/increase/provide job security

  15题,题目问Hayden能够扭转局面的一个原因。答案在第三段找,并不很直接,需要一点概括。这一段先说了下公司的一些难处,比如投资人很生气,后果很严重。所幸的是投资人对Hayden并不反感:He was authorised to make whatever changes were required,他被授权进行一切需要的改变,也就是D选项所说的得到了需要的支持。

  A不对,不需要找新的投资者,原文说的是“getting back the goodwill of the investors”,挽回投资人的好感。



  16题,问针对Critical Path的员工采取的政策是什么。答案是第四段的第一句话:The next thing Hayden had to tackle was morale。需要解决的是士气问题。也就是D段所说的restored motivation。这一段是讲Hayden如何与员工站在一起。

  A不对,原文说的很清楚:it was assumed that nobody would ask for overtime pay until the company was on its feet again。任何人不得索取加班补偿。

  B不对,原文是apart from not replacing people as they reached retirement age。

  C也不对,原文是who were given more responsibility,被赋予了更多的责任,不是“help him set goals”。17题,题目问什么可以表明一个公司陷入了困境。答案是第五段的这么一句:A business that has an unrealistic pricing policy or has to negotiate extended credit with its suppliers is in trouble。有一个不现实的定价政策或者需要和供货商谈判提高贷款。


  money that financial institutions lend to businesses, governments and people

  eg:It is unlikely that the bank will extend additional credit to the firm.


  答案是最后一段:“With ideas for a fresh venture demanding his attention elsewhere”和“I'm not a turnaround specialist. I prefer start-ups.”需要一个崭新的需要他的注意力的企业。也就是B选项所说的想要一个新的企业。

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