
www.zige365.com 2012-7-13 9:07:32 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
 Fighting Fit

  Fine Fitness, the health and fitness club operator, announced an impressive set of results yesterday: (19) a 38-per-cent jump in annual pre-tax profits, the company claimed that it had (20) none of the problems (21) last week by its rival, Top Fit .According to Samantha Collier,the chief executive, Fine Fitness (22) strong and is on (23) to reach its target of 100 clubs within three years, its strategy unaffected by the apparent (24) down of the economy.

  The company opened 12 new clubs in the past year; (25) its total to 51. They have (26) to be highly successful, with people joining in large numbers, especially in the 25-to-40 age range. Even the more (27) clubs are still seeing sales growth, along with rising retention (28) of more than 70 per cent. This can be seen as clear (29) of the appeal of Fine Fitness.

  Ms Collier admitted that as there were (30) too many companies competing with one another; there would almost certainly be (31) in the health-and-fitness-club sector of the market She predicted that, within a relatively short time, there might be only about three major companies still in (32).However, she declined to say which these were likely to be.

  Profits rose by £6.3 million, although there was a fall in gross margins from 31 per cent to 28.6 per cent because of higher insurance premiums, extra management costs and start-up expenses for the company's new (33) in Spain.

  19 A Stating B Reporting C Remarking D Informing

  20 A taken B felt C experienced D caught

  21 A released B issued C opened D revealed

  22 A stays B remains C maintains D keeps

  23 A track B direction C way D line

  24 A falling B breaking C cutting D slowing

  25 A bringing B putting C getting D mounting

  26 A shown B resulted C proved D demonstrated

  27 A installed B formed C established D confirmed

  28 A rates B standards C proportions D volumes

  29 A witness B sign C display D evidence

  30 A purely B merely C simply D barely

  31 A union B consolidation C alliance D combination

  32 A trade B office C commerce D business

  33 A trial B venture C proposal D speculation


  19题,一句话包含三个空,联系在一起做。昨天开会,宣布了一系列结果。报告税前收益增长了38%,公司并没有经历它的竞争对手所暴露的问题。19题选report,20题experienced,21题,revealed by its rival,被竞争对手暴露的问题。

  22题,remains strong保持强劲;单看单词的意思,貌似keep也可以(不过说实话,如果不是有同学提醒,我压根想不到会填keep)联系此句上下文,提到了在对手出现问题时这个公司表现依然强劲remain在英文词典的解释是:continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have ceased to exist 在相似或者相关人和事出现状况时仍然存在,所以,remain更符合这个题目的条件

  23题,on track 步入正轨。公司正在实现目标的正道上。这个词在其他完型也出现过,不过不是正确答案。

  24题,slow down放缓,固定用法。经济放缓。

  25题,bring to,使总数达到51,这个题怕是要靠语感。put肯定不对,get to到达,mount在这里用法不对。

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