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Speaking 16 minutes

Part one

In this part, the interlocutor asks questions on a number of work-related and non-work-related subjects to each candidate in turn, you have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.

Part two

The candidate chooses one topic and speaks about it for approximately one minute. One minuts’ preparation time is allowed.

A personal management: the importance to a company of having well-motivated staff

B strategic planning: how to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises

C Sales:How to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately

Part Three

In this part of the test, candidates are given a topic to discuss and are allowed 320 seconds to look at the prompt card, before talking together for about three minutes, afterwards, the examiner asks more questions related to the topic.

For two candidates

Health and Fitness Facilities

You company is considering providing a fitness centre on the premises to help employees improve their health and fitness. You have been asked to make recommendations for this scheme.

Discuss, and decide together:

●What benefits the centre would bring for the company

●How to promote the need for health and fitness to all staff

For three Candidates

Health and Fitness Facilities

Your company is considering providing a fitness centre on the premises to help employees improve their health and fitness. You have been asked to make recommendations for this scheme.

Discuss, and decide together:

●What benefits the centre would bring for the company

● Which types of facilities could be included

●How to promote the need for health and fitness to all staff

Follow-on questions

●Would company fitness facilities be equally popular among all staff?Why ?why not?

●Should employees have to pay to use health and fitness facilities? Why /why not?

●What other ways are there for companies to encourage their employees to remain fit and healthy?

●Should companies include employees’ families in their health and fitness provision ? why ? why not?

●Is the welfare of employees an appropriate concern for companies? Why? Why not?

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