
www.zige365.com 2013-12-30 15:25:43 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

四、"Why do you . . . "

It may seem like it shows initiative to ask a hiring manager why the company does things a certain way, but to her, it can sound judgmental and put her on the defensive. A better way to get the answer you're looking for? Try: "I see what you're doing with X. What's the reason for doing it this way?" This will also give you more insight into their strategies and processes — and an opportunity to let the recruiter know how you could support or improve on them.

五、"I didn't get an opportunity to grow."

Sure, it sounds like a diplomatic way of explaining why you want to (or did) leave your job, but to a recruiter, it can suggest that you weren’t proactive in seeking out new challenges or a promotion. That can raise questions about whether you'll jump ship at their company if you feel bored or frustrated. Even if you’re unhappy in your current job, always avoid any negativity when you talk about why you want to leave. Instead focus on the positive. Say: "I'm interested in growing in this area . . . ” That will also give you the chance to explain why you find this opportunity so exciting.


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扫盲篇: BEC常识一网打尽 和 2014商务英语计算机化考