
www.zige365.com 2012-8-8 8:39:58 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  然而,尽管我们取得了上述成就,对于许多残疾人来说,独立和不遭受歧视仍然遥不可及。这就是为什么本届政府继续要在《美国残疾人法》给我们打下的基础上发扬光大。由于《合理医疗费用法》的缘故,保险公司不能再因为原有病症、病史或遗传信息拒绝给残疾儿童入保——这项条款将在 2014年扩大至所有的美国人。我们一直为保护和加强联邦老年医保计划和医疗补助计划而斗争,改善了服务,并反对那些把费用转嫁给老年人和残疾人的种种建议。今年早些时候,我们在卫生与人类服务部设立了社区生活局,以确保残疾人能够获得他们在生活中所需要的支持,在自己的社区内受到尊敬并有尊严地生活。

  Because every American deserves access to a world-class education, we have worked to make learning environments safer and more inclusive. Last September, the Department of Education implemented new standards for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that will help measure and improve outcomes for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Moving forward, we will continue to take action to help all children learn, develop, and participate in instructional programs that equip them with the tools for success in school and beyond.


  As we mark this milestone and reflect on the barriers that remain, we also pay tribute to the courageous individuals and communities who have made progress possible. Because so many advocates understood injustice from the depths of their own experience, they also knew that by allowing injustice to stand, we were depriving our Nation and our economy of the full talents and contributions of tens of millions of Americans with disabilities. Today, those Americans are leaders not only in every field and throughout every part of our national life, but also in the journey to bring the American dream within reach for our next generation. On this anniversary of the ADA, we celebrate the contributions Americans with disabilities have made to our Nation, and we rededicate ourselves to empowering every individual with those most American principles of equal access and equal opportunity.


  NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim July 26, 2012, the Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I encourage Americans across our Nation to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of this civil rights law and the many contributions of individuals with disabilities.

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