
www.zige365.com 2012-9-25 14:44:41 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  一个类似于蝙蝠的动物,文章觉得这个动物不能飞。1. 他可能是跟爬行动物一样,是冷血的,新陈代谢慢,不能提供大量的能量2.他的重量太重不可能飞的起来3. 他的结构和鸟差不多,鸟就是用后两支腿发力儿飞向天空。而化石表明这个动物的后腿肌肉很不发达。


  1.他是热血动物 2. 他的重量其实很轻,这里提到一个bones are hollow-light for fly 3. 它和鸟就不同,鸟是用两只,而它走的时候是用四只腿走路。


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more interested in politics today than before.

  Students have always been an active demographic in the arena of politics. Students have a tendency to be more idealistic and therefore have always participated in the most current political issues. While this has always been the case, the turn of the century has marked a significant change in the role that students play in politics. There are more students concerned with politics today than previous generations.

  Our generation of students is more interested in politics, because as children we saw how world politics could affect our lives. We all remember the terrorist attacks on 9/11 and we all witnessed how it changed America and American politics. We grew up understanding that what happens in our country and in other countries’ politics has consequences. Also, the growth of the internet has also made our generation of students keenly aware that the world is interconnected. More so than any generation before use, we are aware that national politics have a global audience.

  A sign of how much more invested our generation is in politics is the various student lead movements that have swept the nation. The first was the Obama campaign of the 2008 presidential elections. This was one of the first elections in which the college-age vote had a huge impact on the outcome of the elections. More recent is the Occupy Wall St. Movement, a student lead political protest against the corruption of Wall St. and the corporations that were responsible for the economic crisis. The Occupy Movement has also taken on other causes and students have started to occupy in cities across the U.S. These mass political movements are student lead and are a sign of just how politically conscious students are today.

  Admittedly, there have been other times in U.S. history when students played a huge role in politics. The student protest against the Vietnam War in the ‘60s and ‘70s was a particularly strong and vocal movement. However this movement only focused on ending the war in Vietnam. I think student political movements today are much more varied and sophisticated. Students not only address the issues of the War in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also more complex issues such as health care and the financial crisis. We are not just concerned about one facet of politics, but all facets of politics.

  Even though students have always been actively involved in politics, students today are more informed and concerned about politics than any previous generation of students. We understand the global impact of American policies and we understand that what we do in light of the policies makes a difference. (433 words)

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