
www.zige365.com 2012-7-25 8:56:46 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  First, genetically modified trees may be resistant to one particular condition, but it doesn’t necessarily ensure their survival. You see: a typical non-modified tree population is genetically diverse. That means that for most threatening conditions, for climate, insects, and pests, whatever, there will be at least some individual trees of any given species tree that are resistant. So, even if the most of one kind of tree were killed, those few resistant ones will survive and ensure the survival of that species of tree. But, genetically modified trees are genetically much more uniform, so if there is supposed to an environmental challenge they have not been designed for, they will all die. So, if the climate changes or new pest engages in, the genetically modified trees will likely be completely wagged out.


  That is the second point. There are hidden causes associated with the growing genetically modified trees. You see, the company that genetically modified tree can charge tree farmers much more for its seeds than unmodified tree seeds would cost. Also, after you’ve grown the tree, you can not just collect the seeds and plant the new tree for free. By law, you have to pay the company every time you plant.


  And finally, genetically modified trees might actually cause even more damage to the local wild trees. You see, genetically modified trees often grow more aggressively than natural trees do. And genetically modified trees are typically planted among natural trees. As a result, the genetically modified trees out compete the native trees for resources: sunlight, soil nutrition and water. Eventually, crowd out the nature trees.



  Main point: 优点之中都存在问题

  Sub point one: 如果遇到不能抵御的病虫害,可能会全部死亡

  Sub point two: 会增加农民的成本,因为种子公司有权每年收费

  Sub point three: 会损害天然森林,因为会争夺自然资源

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