托福阅读考题:Geothermal Energy(三)

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  解题思路: 所给句子中 In either case(在这两种情况下),说明这句话前面有两种不同的情况,通过阅读,第二个方框前的 usually less typically提示了两种不同情况下水的状态,所以应该把这句话插入第二个方框。

  14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

  Heat reservoirs in the form of hot rock far beneath Earths surface are a potential source of usable geothermal energy.




  Answer choices

  A. Heat reservoir with a temperature from 80o to 180° centigrade can be used, as in France and Iceland, to heat buildings.

  BMost heat reservoirs with a temperature above 180° centigrade cannot be used for energy because they are usually too close to recent volcanic activity.

  CExperiments are under way to determine if geothermally heated waters could be used as a source of certain minerals that have been dissolved out of hot rocks deep within Earth.

  DA number of countries now use geothermal reservoirs that contain water or steam above 180° centigrade to generate electricity

  E. The sinking of land above heat reservoirs and other environmental problem arise when water is pumped into a heat reservoir under high pressure

  FA number of issues, including how to extract heat from reservoirs that do not have a natural supply of water, will significantly limit the use of geothermal energy for the foreseeable future.




  artificially: adv. 人工地

  tectonics: n. 构造学

  harness: v. 治理;利用

  reservoir: n. 水库;储藏

  residential: adj. 住宅的

  derive: v. 源于…

  facility: n. 设施;能力

  withdraw: v. 取回;撤出

  dissolve: v. 溶解;消除

  enormous: adj. 巨大的,极大的,庞大的

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