
www.zige365.com 2007-5-31 16:49:08 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


一、     选择填空。(15%)

1、—When  do  you  usually     every  morning ?

At  6:30  and  then  have  breakfast .

  A. get up   B. get on  C. get together  D. get along

2、—Have  you  ever  been  to  Nanjing ?

 Yes . I    there  last  summer .

A.   go  B. went  C. have been  D. will go

3、—     your  classroom    every day ?

   Yes. It  is.

  A. Was ,cleaned    B. Will , be cleaned   C. Is ,cleaned    D. Has ,been cleaned

4. Must I finish       the book in this week?

No, you needn’t.

A.to be read     B.to read      C.being read    D.reading

5. Have you decided     for you holiday?

To Dr. Sun’s Mausoleum.

A.where to go   B.when to go    C.how to go    D.who to go

6.—Which of the twins will succeed?

The one     works harder, I think.

A.whom       B.who      C.which       D. whose

7.  You went to the cinema last night, didn’t. you?

     . I was at home.

A.Yes, I do     B.No, I don’t    C.No, I didn’t    D.Yes , I did.

8.  Is     here?

No, jack has asked for leave.

A.anybody     B.somebody     C.everybody    D.nobody

9.  Tom is taller than Tim but not so tall as Bob. Which of them is    ?     

Bob, of course.

A.tall         B.taller        C.tallest        D.the tallest

10.He bought    English book not    Chinese one.

A.a, a        B.the ,a          C.a ,an        D.an ,a

11.    useful information it is for me!

A.What       B.What a       C.What an      D.How

12.Grandma    a bad cold since last Saturday.

A.has got      B.has taken      C.has had      D.has caught

13.     Andrew     his Japanese textbook yet?

No, he’s    it now.

A.Has, found; finding        B.Has, found; looking for

本新闻共5页,当前在第1页  1  2  3  4  5  

我要投稿 新闻来源:英语王 编辑: 作者: