
www.zige365.com 2009-12-21 20:11:38 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
 intransigent    uncompromising

  introspection   examining one's own thoughts and feelings

  invective       abusive language, curses

  inveigle        trick by using flattery, deception

  inveterate      deep-rooted. long-established

  irate           angry

  ire             anger

  irksome         tiresome

  irrelevant      not relevant, not connected

  irrevocable     final and unalterable

  itinerary       plan for a journey, details or records of a route

  jabber          talk excitedly; utter rapidly

  lackluster      (of eyes) dull

  lag             go too slow

  latent          present but not yet active, developed or visible

  laudatory       expressing or giving praise

  lavish          giving or producing freely, liberally or generously

  leakage         the process of leaking

  lien            legal claim until a debt on it is repaid

  limp            lacking strength, walking unevenly

  loll            rest, to sit or stand in a lazy way; hang (dog's tongue)

  loquacious      talkative

  lubricant       substance that makes work easier

  lubricate       put oil to make work easily

  lugubrious      dismal, mourful;

  lull            become quiet or less active

  luminary        star, light-giving body

  macabre         gruesome, suggesting death

  maladroit       tactless, clumpsy

  malapropism     misuse of a word (for one that resembles it)

  malign          injurious, speak ill of smb, tell lie

  martial         brave, of associated with war

       cruel killing of a large number of people

  matriculation   be admitted, enter a university as a student

  mature          come to full development, to a state ready for use

  mendacious      false

  mercurial       lively, quick-witted; inconsistent, changeable

  meretricious    attractive on the surface but of little value

  mischievous     harmful, causing mischief

  miser           person who loves wealth and spends little

  missile         smth that is thrown or shot

  moderation      quality of being limited, not extreme

  mollify         make calmer or quiter

  molt            moult, lose hair, feathers before new growing

  morbid          diseased, unhealthy (eg. about ideas)

  morose          ill-tempered, unsocial

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