
www.zige365.com 2012-5-29 15:03:07 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
 Part 2


  1. An important city in your country 老题新考

  2. Natural beauty 其实就是老题a tourism attraction 的变体,有何难?

  3. A happy person you know 重回题库

  4. A vehicle you want to own 重回题库

  5. Situation of being polite 方向诡异,BT但其实很简单

  6. An exciting thing 重回题库

  7. First day of school/university 重回题库

  8. Good news from family 重回题库

  9. A landmark building or monument in your country 老题新考

  10. A club or organization you took part in 新题,可以说志愿者组织或NGO等

  11. A music band or a musician 重回题库

  高频题 后面分类不再体现

  1. A wild animal in your country

  2. Advertisement

  3. An electronic equipment (not computer)

  4. Experience of being helped by others

  5. A toy

  6. Clothes or accessories you wear in special situation

  7. A travel in childhood


  People and animals


  Best friend

  A good student

  A roommate

  An interesting old man

  A child

  A leader you admire

  A singer or movie star

  A character in a TV program or film

  A famous person in your country


  An adventurous person

  A teacher you want to meet again

  Someone who taught you a useful skill

  Places and buildings


  A foreign country

  A river/lake/sea

  A historical/ancient place/building

  A restaurant

  An open-air place you can get relaxed

  A work place

  A street you are familiar with

  An ideal house


  A park or garden you like

  An interesting store



  A book you want to read again/you want to recommend

  An interesting family photo

  A work of art 艺术品,很重要,可以说sculpture之类的

  A gift you gave to a friend 注意,是“给别人”

  Something you want to save money to buy

  An antique or old thing your family has kept for a long time


  A piece of furniture

  A lost thing

  A DIY thing

  Events and experiences


  A special birthday

  A wedding

  A historic event

  A sport event

  Experience of being angry of sth.

  Experience of being congratulated by others

  Experience of getting money as a gift

  Experience of being late for sth.

  Success you want to achieve

  Favorite weather

  A science subject you loved in high school

  If you had one day off, how to spend

  Positive change in life


  A special meal you had

  Something unusual or interesting you did recently

  Media and entertainment


  A TV program

  Favorite foreign film

  Favorite song in childhood

  Favorite website

  Favorite magazine

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雅思口语辅导之雅思口语Part 1中最难的10道题 