
www.zige365.com 2012-6-24 17:07:10 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  (Similar to above) Did you like painting when you were a child?

  How about now? Do you still paint pictures? Do you think it's important for children to do some painting or drawing?

  What benefits do you think children can get from painting or drawing?

  Do you think you will paint any pictures in the future?

  What do you think are the benefits of painting (or art) for children?

  (Similar to above) Do you think painting is good for (or useful for) children?

  What benefits do you think people (or, adults) can get from painting or drawing?


  Do people in your country do much housework?

  In your home, who does (most of) the housework?

  Do you do much (or, any) housework???

  What housework do you?like?to do?

  Is there any housework you dislike doing? *

  What housework did you do when you were a child?

  Do you think children should do housework?

  (Similar to above) Do you think it's important for?children?to do housework?

  (Similar to above) Do you think it's important for?young people?to help do the family housework?

  Do people in your country have much time to do housework?

  (Similar to above) How much time do people in your country spend doing housework?

  (Similar to above) Do you feel people in your country have enough time to do housework?

  Do you think people like doing housework their own housework?


  Do you like science?

  (Possibly the question above is this)?Are you very interested in science?

  What science subject at school do/did you like the most? (Why?)

  (Similar to above) What do/did you like most about studying science?

  (Similar to above) What's the most interesting (part of) science to you?

  Is there anything about science that you dislike??

  What's the most difficult part of studying science?

  What are your sources of information about science?

  (Similar to above) Do you often read books about science and technology?

  What science have you studied (or learned)?

  How do you (or, how did you) study science???

  (Similar to above) How is science taught in school in your country?

  (Similar to above) How do students in your country study science?

  (Similar to above) What science do students study at school in your country??

  Do you think science is important?

  How has the science that you have studied helped you? / How does the science you have studied help you? / How do you think the science you have studied will help you? (One of those)?

  (For working people) Is your work related to science? ?


  Who gave you your name?

  Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning???

  Do you like your name???

  Would you like to change your name?

  (Similar to above) Have you ever considered changing your name? ?

  Is it easy to change your name in your country?

  (Similar to above) In your country, are there any problems that could occur if someone changed their name?

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