
www.zige365.com 2012-8-16 10:56:13 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心



  1. 并列(and)关系类

  A. 排序(sequencing)

  起:first of all in the first place to begin with first(ly)… the first (reason) is

  承:after this/that then following this/that afterwards


  B. 递进(reinforcing)

  Also besides furthermore In addition moreover what’s more

  not only…but also…

  C. 等同(equating)

  In the same way likewise… similarly…….. accordingly… equally important…

  D. 总结(summarizing)

  In conclusion, in summary, in short, lastly, to conclude, finally, to sum up

  E. 举例(referring)

  For example, for instance, in particular, Particularly, such as, that is to say, Namely, a (good) case in point to illustrate… is …

  F. 结果(showing results)

  As a result, consequently, hence, so, Therefore, thereby, thus, for this reason, Leads to, cause

  2. 选择(or)类

  A. 推断(inferring)

  In other words, in that case, then (or), else otherwise

  B. 替换(giving alternatives)

  Alternatively, then again

  C. 重复(restating)

  In other words, that is to say, to put it simply

  3. 转折(but)类

  A. 比较/对比(contrasting)

  Conversely, in comparison, in contrast to this, Instead, nevertheless, however, on the contrary, On the other hand … whereas…

  B. 让步(conceding)

  After all, all the same, even if … while Although/though/even though, however still

  In spite of / despite this/ that nevertheless nonetheless yet


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