
www.zige365.com 2013-12-10 15:07:56 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心





If you keep a dog at home, you’ll have to take it out for walks every day. If you take it out for walks every day, you might have an accident. If you have an accident, you’ll have to go to the hospital. If you go to the hospital, you won’t be able to take care of your dog. If you aren’t able to take care of your dog, you’ll probably have to sell it. If you have to sell it, you’ll be feeling very sad. If you feel sad, you won’t be able to sleep well. If you aren’t able to sleep well, you won’t get much sleep. If you can’t get much sleep, you’ll be feeling tired every day. If you feel tired every day, you’ll fall ill. If you fall ill, you’ll have to go to the hospital again. If you go to the hospital again, you’ll have to spend more money. If you spend more money, you’ll be heartbroken. If you are heartbroken, you’ll go mad. If you go mad, you won’t be yourself again. If you are not yourself again, you won’t be able to know what you’ll be doing. If you don’t know what you’ll be doing, you might kill yourself. If you kill yourself, you won’t be able to live. If you aren’t able to live, you’ll be dead.




If I stop eating too much, I will feel hungry. If I feel hungry, I’ll have to eat a lot. If I eat a lot, I’ll gain weight. If I gain weight, I’ll look very bad. If I look very bad, no one would love to marry me. If no one wants to marry me, I’ll be feeling very sad. If I feel very sad, I’ll eat a lot more food. If I eat a lot more food, I’ll put on more weight. If I put on more weight, I’ll look even worse. If I look even worse, I’ll be worried too much. If I’m worried too much, I won’t be able to work well. If I am unable to work well, my boss will fire me. If my boss fires me, I’ll have no job. If I have no job, I’ll have nothing to eat. If I have nothing to eat, I’ll have to go hungry. If I go hungry, I’ll become ill. If I become ill, I’ll have to go to the hospital. If I go to the hospital, I’ll die there. If I die there, I won’t be able to live any longer. If I’m unable to live any longer, I won’t be able to marry someone I love. If I’m unable to marry someone I love, he’ll be sad, too. If he is sad, too, he’ll be ill, too. If he is ill, too, he’ll have to go to the hospital, too. If he goes to hospital, too, he’ll die there, too. If he dies there, too, there will be no one in the world whom I love. If there’s no one in the world whom I love, I’ll die completely!

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