
www.zige365.com 2013-12-14 16:04:13 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  W: I'd recommend visiting Westfield or Great Town. They are both very close. Westfield is just seven miles west of here and Great Town is about five miles south. They are really pretty little towns with lots of old houses and beautiful tree-lined streets.

  M: I see. Seven miles west to Westfield and five miles south to Great Town. Good. Well, I think that's all the information I need for a while. Thank you. You've been very helpful.

  W: You're welcome, sir. I hope you enjoy your stay.

  Q9: What does the man know about Norwalk?

  Q10: What does the woman say about Amitsville and Newton?

  Q11: What do we learn about Westfield and Great Town?


  M: Err... Sandra, I've finished with Mr. Gordon now. Do you think you could pop through in bringing me up-to-date on their arrangements for the Italian trip?

  W: Certainly, Mr. Wilkinson. I'll bring everything with me.

  M: Right, take a seat. Now my first meeting is when?

  W: Your first meeting is on Monday the 21st at 9a.m. with Dr. Gucci of Bancos en Piedra in Milan.

  M: OK, so can I fly out early Monday morning?

  W: Well, there is a flight to Lenarty Airport which leaves at six thirty London time and gets in at eight thirty Italian time.

  M: Yeah, but that only leaves me thirty minutes to clear customs in getting to the city center and it means I have to check in by five thirty, which means leaving home at about four fifteen.

  W: I'm afraid so.

  M: Hmm... not so keen on that. What's the program for the rest of that day?

  W: It's quite full, I'm afraid. At eleven, you're seeing Jeana Rivard at Meg Star and then you'll have a lunch engagement with Gaven from the Chamber of Commerce at one.

  M: Where's that?

  W: You're meeting him at his office and then he's taking you somewhere.

  M: Good, that sounds fine. What about the afternoon?

  W: Well, at three thirty, you're seeing our sales representative there and then you're free till evening.

  M: I see. I seem to remember that I'm having a dinner with someone from Bergamo.

  W: That's right. And Mr. Betty from SAP Industries at eight.

  Q12: What would the man like the woman to do?

  Q13: At what time is Mr. Wilkinson going to leave home for the airport?

  Q14: Who is Mr. Wilkinson going to have a lunch with on Monday?

  Q15: What is most probably the woman's job?


  Listening Passage 1

  Donna Fredrick’s served with the Peace Corps for two years in Brazil. She joined the Peace Corps after she graduated from the college because she wanted to do something to help other people. She had been brought up on a farm, so the Peace Corps assigned her to a agricultural project. Before she went to Brazil, she studied Portuguese for three months. She also learnt a great deal about its history and culture. During her two years with the Peace Corps, Donna lived in a village in northeast Brazil. That part of Brazil is very dry and farming is often difficult there. Donna helped the people of the village to organise an arrigation project, and she also advised them on planting corps. They didn’t require much water. When Donna returned to the States, she couldn’t settle down. She tried several jobs, but they seemed very boring to her. She couldn’t get Brazil out of her mind. Finally, one day she got on an plane and went back to Brazil. She wasn’t sure what she’s going to do. She just wanted to be there. After a few weeks, Donna found a job as an English teacher, teaching five classes a day. Like most of the teachers, she doesn’t make much money. She shares a small apartment with another teacher. And she makes a little extra money by sending stories to newspapers in the States. Eventually she wants to quit teaching and work as a full-time journalist.

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