
www.zige365.com 2010-12-3 18:40:49 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Conversation Two

  M:You’ve worked in a university before, haven’t you?

  W:Yes, in Britain, yes.

  M:What, how do students go about getting jobs when they graduate?

  W:Well, most universities have a Careers Advice Service. I used to know the people in the Careers Advice Service in Newcastle University and they, in fact, seem fairly successful in finding jobs for students. They are able to get jobs for 30%~40% of new graduates.

  M:That seems a fairly low percentage.

  W:Well...it’s not if you consider the various other options which people take up. For example, there are a fair number of people I don’know the exact number, who go into further study, who carry straight on into master’s degrees. Either at the same university or another university. So that’s fair chunk. Then there are others, a second group of people, who decide not to take a career job immediately after university. Instead, they decide to take time off, maybe see the world, and...and...well there is a third group, the people who can’t actually get the jobs they wait for, a job they really want. So when I say 30%~40% find jobs through the careers service, that doesn’t mean that only that number find jobs. A lot of other people find jobs through the newspapers.

  M:So it is quite high really, yes.

  W:Oh, I think so, relatively, yes. And quite a lot of other people of course look in newspapers and the particular journals or magazines which advertise jobs in the fields they’re interested in.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. What are the man and the woman talking about?

  24. What is the percentage of college graduates getting jobs through university help?

  25. What do most college graduates in Britain do when they graduate?

  23. 【答案】C)

  【解析】 两个人讨论的是关于大学生毕业后找工作的问题,通过什么渠道找工作。job hunting 即为找工作之意。

  24. 【答案】B)

  【解析】 女士介绍说大学里的介绍工作的服务机构可以帮助30%~40% 的毕业生找到工作。四个选项里只有三分之一在这个数字范围之内。

  25. 【答案】A)

  【解析】 大多数毕业生毕业之后是去找工作,他们通过学校的工作介绍机构,或者通过报纸、杂志等找工作。

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