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Bto which          Cin that              Dwhere

54Acompensate      Bprovide            Csearch             Daccount

55Arapid               Bswift                Cspeedy             Dquick

56Athose               Bwhich              Cthat                 Dwhat

57Afull                  Bintegrate           Call                   Dentire

58Aprize               Bpraise              Cprice                Dpride

59Adiscriminate     Bdistinguish Cdivide              Dderive

60Asickening         Bpleasant           Charsh               Dgraceful

Paper Two

Part V Translation (30 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

Each year in the United States more people are killed or injured in accidents—at home, at work or school, at play, or while traveling—than were killed or injured in the Vietnam war. In the early 1990s, about half of these accidental deaths were the result of motor-vehicle accidents. Other major causes of accidental deaths were falls, fires, and poisoning. On a worldwide basis, accidents involving motor vehicles are the primary cause of accidental deaths, followed by accidents in industry and in the home.

Efforts to lessen or to eliminate the hazardous conditions that cause accidents are known as safety measures. Safety is a growing concern around the world, and safety skills are being taken more seriously today than ever before People have come to realize that safety skills can be learned, and most safety experts agree that it is possible to predict, and take steps to prevent, the majority of accidents. Few accidents simply “happen”. Most are caused by ignorance, carelessness, neglect, or lack of skill.

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