
www.zige365.com 2011-7-27 16:32:39 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Part V Error Detection (10 minutes, 5 points)

  Directions: In this section, there are 10 sentences. Each sentence has 4 underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.

  71. During the dinner we had agreeable conversation-nothing extraordinary-but catching up on

  A B C

  recent events of each other’s life.


  72. Because of the injured people laying on the ground below the window, fire fighters were unable

  A B C

  to the windows on the northeast side of the building.


  73. You’d better hurry up if you want to buy something because there’s hardly nothing left.

  A B C D

  74. A professional wine taste relies on sight, smell and tasting to determine the quality of a wine.

  A B C D

  75. Sam used to live in Oklahoma, but his company had him transfer to a better position In Georgia. A B C D

  76. Not too many years ago, it was an excited experience to travel 25 or 50 miles away from home.

  A B C D

  77. It is perhaps not an exaggeration to say that we shall soon be trusting our health, wealth, and

  A B

  happiness to elements with whom very names the general public are unfamiliar.

  C D

  78.China has established three nature reserves to protect the rare species, covering a total of

  A B C

  more than600,000 sq km, an area 40 times of the size of Beijing.


  79. It aims to establish a minimum list of standards that ought to include in all codes of conduct

  A B C

  covering labor practices.


  80.I saw that the last update was made in January of 2002,so I wondered that the webmaster

  A B C

  had abandoned the site.


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