
www.zige365.com 2011-7-27 16:39:56 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  D. the contests are behind the times

  33. In the 60s and 70s beauty queens________

  A. were sponsored by dry-cleaning companies

  B. were admired by most people

  C. did not clothes from supermarkets

  D. got free clothes from supermarkets

  34.The author uses Jacqueline Gold as an example to show that_________

  A. her academic record was very strong

  B. she had gained many qualifications and certificates

  C. contestants are judged on their education

  D. contestants are judged on their education

  35. The best title for passage might be_________

  A. Beauty Contests: Insults Women

  B. Beauty Contests: Sexist Cattle Market

  C. Beauty Contests: A Headache for British people

  D. Beauty Contests: Started in Britain but Unpopular Now

  Passage two

  A particular area in which assumptions and values dirtier between cultures is that of friendship .Friendships Americans tend to be shorter and less intense than these among people from many other cultures .At least many observers form abroad have this impression .Because Americans are taught to be self-reliant, because they live in a very mobile society ,and for many other reasons as well, they tend to avoid deep involvement with other people, Furthermore ,Americans tend to “compartmentalize “ their friendships, having their “friends at work “, “friends at school “ ,a “tennis friend”, and so on Americans often seen very Friendly even when you first meet them .This friendliness does not usually mean that the American is

  looking for a deeper relationship .

  The result of these attitudes and behaviors is sometimes viewed by foreigners as an “inability to be friends”. Other times it is seen as a normal way to retain personal happiness in a mobile, ever-changing society . People normally have in their minds stereotypes about people who are different from themselves .Stereotypes are based on limited and incomplete experience and information, but they shape people’s and expectations. Americans have many serotypes about foreign starlets in general (for example, that they are very hard working intelligent , and rich that they do speak English well )and about particular categories of foreign saddens (Chinese are polite and good at mathematics for example, Americans ,for example , that they are arrogant ,rude, and generous. There are two stereotypes that often affect male-female relationships involving U.S. and foreign student ,The first is the idea held by some foreign males , that American females are invariably willing ,if not anxious to have sex. The existence of these and other stereotypes held by some American females is that male foreign students have no interest in American females other than having sex with them .The existence of these and other stereotypes can give to considerable misunderstanding and can block the development of a mutually satisfactory relationship between particular individuals . Stereotypes seem unavoidable given the way the human mind seeks to categorize and classify information , so it is not realistic to suppose people can “ forget their stereotypes “ .But they can be aware of their stereotypes ,and be ready to find exceptions to them.

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