
www.zige365.com 2011-7-27 16:46:43 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  PARTⅠ Translation (30 minutes , 20points)

  Section A



  Section B

  A survey made recently indicates that most of buildings in China, no matter for office or residential purpose, all consume more electricity and water resources compared to that of foreign countries. For instance, energy consumption for Beijing residents is three times as much as that of the families in north German under the similar whether conditions. As China is an energy shortage country, therefore we Chinese should save (economize) resources so as to ensure the sustainable development for Chinese economy.

  PARTⅡ Writing (30 minutes , 15points)

  Who and How to Take Care of seniors?

  Since China adopted one-child policy, together with improvement made in the social undertakings such as welfare and health care, there has emerged a problem of how to support seniors in recent years.

  As every coins has two sides, the side effect of one-child policy is appeared, for example, the child regarded by other family members as the little prince or princess, always has his wishes satisfied without difficulty. Growing up is this family, no wonder they lack in sense of caring for others and learning to be independent of parents. Can they support their aging parents whose life expectancy has been prolonged?

  To effectively cope with this social problem of taking care of seniors today, I may put forward several suggestions as follows:

  First, young adults in a family should spend more time with their elder members, giving financial help, chatting over favorite topics, doing family work. Secondly, the governments at all levels should finance the construction of more seniors care centers for aged people who wish to lessen the burden of their children. Last but not the least, the sense of responsibility for caring the seniors should be planted to the heart of everyone.

  To sum up, I firmly hold that taking care of the seniors is one of the traditional virtue in China and it involves the effort of young adults together with love from every corner of the society, particular social institutions. Only by doing so can we

  build a harmonious society.

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