
www.zige365.com 2011-11-2 10:06:50 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
1. The tourists to the famous city were regimented into large parties for sightseeing.
  A. divided
  B. connected
  C. grouped
  D. separated
  2. Would you please do me a favor to get a pail of water out of the well outside the cabin?
  A. bucket
  B. kettle
  C. cup
  D. glass
  3. The reciprocal affection among the family members is so deep that nothing will separate them.
  A. deep
  B. mutual
  C. parental
  D. strong
  4. Don’t you know that your action has rendered our contract invalid? You must take all the responsibilities.
  A. gave
  B. presented
  C. made
  D. translated
  5. He is, generally speaking, a good man, although he still has some little vices such as drinking to much alcohol.
  A. corruption
  B. wickedness
  C. misconduct
  D. weakness
  6. They were seemingly unaware of this unfavorable decision. They look still happy.
  A. completely
  B. abruptly
  C. apparently
  D. absolutely
  7. He endeavored to preserve world peace by supporting the establishment of an organization to settle international disputes.
  A. tried
  B. needed
  C. decided
  D. neglected
  8. The manager was promoted again for his proposal of a neat solution to the tough problem.
  A. tidy
  B. careful
  C. clean
  D. efficient
  9. The nerves by which they are set into motion originate in the most immediate vicinity of the mind-organ.
  A. violation
  B. closeness
  C. visibility
  D. unification
  10. The Foreign Affairs Minister went to attend the conference in the name of the president.
  A. in place of
  B. in case of
  C. on behalf of
  D. in care of
  参考答案:1. C 2. A  3. B 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C
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