
www.zige365.com 2011-12-3 18:16:21 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  B:Well,it’s 250 dollars a month,including heat.
  A.How much does the heater cost?
  B.Will it be cheaper to have a heater?
  C.How do you pay the rent for your apartment?
  D.How about the apartment you are renting?
  B:How are you going to be able to fall asleep if you keep on like this?
  A.Do you want a cup of coffee to help you wake up?
  B.I decided not to have any more coffee from now on.
  C.This must be my tenth cup of coffee today.
  D.You never have enough coffee.
  3. A: Look, I’m sorry to bother you about this, but this wall between our rooms is not very soundproofing and I’m doing my homework.
  A.OK.I don’t min  
  B.Just a moment.I’ll close the door.
  C.All fight.How about change another room?
  D.Sorry,I’ll turn the music down.
  4.A:Could you have my car fixed before noon,please?
  A.Sure.The damage is minor.
  B.Sure.I’ll fasten it right here.
  C.Yes.It’s only a matter of time before it breaks down.
  D.Yes,I’ll have your car.
  B:Someone did call.But I can hardly understand the dialect he use  
  A.Any visitor this morning?   
  B.Any messages for me?
  C.Can you understand the dialect?   
  D.Who gave me a buzz?
  6.Woman:Did you watch our Professor Stiller on TV last night?
  Man:I almost missed it! But my mother just happened to be watching at home and gave me a call.
  Question:What does the man mean?
  A.He watched the television program with his mother.
  B.His mother told him his professor was on television.
  C.Answering the phone caused him to miss the television program.
  D.His mother missed the television program.
  7.Man:Whoops! Did any of my coffee just spill on you?
  Woman:It’s hot! Is that all youhave to say?
  Question:What does the woman imply?
  A.She doesn’t like to drink coffee.
  B.She’s not upset by the accident.
  C.The man should apologize.
  D.The man has spilled coffee on her before.
  8.Woman:How did the game go the other night? Did your team win?
  Man:Are you kidding? That would be a first.
  Question:What does the man imply?
  A. His team won the other night.
  B. He didn’t go to the game.
  C. His team always loses.
  D. His team played for the first time.
  9.Man:Do you have to play that music so loud? I’ve got a test tomorrow!
  Woman:Sorry, I didn’t realize you were doing a revision.
  Question:What will the woman probably do?
  A. Turn down the volume.
  B. Help the man study for the test.
  C. Play a different kind of music.
  D. Speak louder.
  10.Man:The coat you tried on was really nice, and reasonably priced.
  Woman:I’d bought it right away if they had had it in my size.
  Question:What can be inferred about the woman?
  A. She didn’t buy the coat.
  B. She’s glad the coat fit her so well.
  C. She thought the coat was overpriced.

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