
www.zige365.com 2012-5-23 15:27:11 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  HONG KONG—Head of Asia-Pacific economics at UBS, Jonathan Anderson says,“China is 1 like a rocket.” China has 2 the financial fallout from the SARS virus 3well that some economists now worry crucial sectors are4the risk ofoverheating.

  The SARS epidemic, 5 shuttered (关闭) Beijing´s retail businesses and virtuallyeliminated foreign tourist arrivals, 6 cooled an economy that had 7 an eye-opening9.9% first-quarter growth rate.8 now, economists who only weeks ago were 9their growth forecasts are raising them.“ 10 you took away, you´re going to have togive back,” says Tim Condon, ING Barings´chief Asia economist. Halfway through theyear, most expect Beijing to 11 or exceed its 7 % growth target.

  Here are signs of China´s renewed surge: First, exports are up 34% this year. A 12 euro (欧元), which makes Chinese products less expensive for 13 buyers, hashelped boost exports to 14 European Union by 45%. Second, exports to the USA are 15 35% and on pace to 16 last year´s $125 billion. That means China couldovertake Mexico 17 the USA´s second-largest source of 18 , says Morgan Stanley´sAndy Xie. Third, investment in 19 assets—factories, machinery and equipment—jumped 32% the first five months of 2003. Fourth, electricity 20 , a barometer(晴雨表) of industrial activity, is up 15%.

  1. A) rising B) falling C) floating D) flying

  2. A) weathered B) passed C) overtook D) spent

  3. A) too B) very C) so D) not

  4. A) in B) at C) with D) by

  5. A) had been B) had C) has D) which

  6. A) accidentally B) temporarily C) permanently D) successively

  7. A) delivered B) posed C) posted D) put

  8. A) Until B) Not until C) So D) But

  9. A) cutting B) falling C) declining D) eliminating

  10. A) If B) After C) What D) When

  11. A) break B) make C) meet D) proceed

  12. A) substantial B) fragile C) stronger D) weaker

  13. A) European B) American C) Asian D) Chinese

  14. A) / B) the C) a D) an

  15. A) down B) up C) below D) at

  16. A) abandon B) cover C) top D) surface

  17. A) for B) with C) to D) as

  18. A) business B) markets C) exports D) imports

  19. A) fixed B) stable C) established D) settled

  20. A) order B) inquiry C) demand D) desire



  2.A。这里指“中国________非典危机”,大家都知道中国顺利度过了非典这一难关,因此选A项“平安度过,经得起 (暴风雨或困难)”最佳,B项意为“经过,越过(某人或某地)”,C项意为“追上,赶上,超过”,D项意为“消磨,度过,使用 (时间)”,均没有“平安度过(困难)”的意思。

  3.C。句中出现了that引导的从句,若把四个选项逐一填入,可以发现此处用的是so…that 句型,使这句话的意思是“中国从SARS风暴恢复情况如此之好,以至于一些经济学家现在担心重点疫区存在着经济恢复过热的风险”。

  4.B。结合上题解释,at the risk of 是固定词组,意思是“冒…的风险”。

  5.D。shuttered Beijing´s retail businesses 和 virtually eliminated foreign tourist arrivals用and 连接,说明它们是并列成分,之后句中又出现cooled an economy…,可以概括前两者,因此试着填人各个选项可以发现此处应是一个用 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,用来修饰 The SARS,而真正的谓语是 cooled。

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