
www.zige365.com 2010-12-3 16:28:18 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
21.When Nikolai first came to America he felt fortunate for the following reasons EXCEPT ______.
A.he had a distant cousin to help him
B.he found temporary housing
C.he could support his family
D.he spoke three languages
22.Nikolai went to the bulletin board in order to ______.
A.look for job information
B.post notices on the board
C.read job announcements
D.list job opportunities
23.Why did Nikolai decide to apply for the job at the barber shop?
A.He had a barber’s license.
B.He thought it easy to get the job.
C.He had watched barbers cut sailors’ hair.
D.He had given other people haircuts before.
24.Nikolai came to love country music because ______.
A.the music was popular in southern states
B.the music reminded him of his hometown
C.he often heard the music in the barber shop
D.he wanted to improve his English language skills
25.Which of the following possible titles best expresses the main idea of this passage?
A.“Can You Give Someone A Haircut?’’
B.“License Not Required’’
C.“Cut It All Off”
D.“Yes,I Can!”
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