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2002年4月全国高教自考经贸知识英语试题 2007-10-23 15:06:11 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

    In general,pure risks are insurable,whereas 9)______ risks are uninsurable.An insurance company will protect a Ford Motor Company assembly plant against losses due to fire or hurricanes.It will not,however,protect Ford against losses resulting from a lack of sales 10)______ for automobiles.

Ⅴ.Translate the following into Chinese(15%):

    How can more “Made in the U.S.A.”goods get into store shelves in China?Under current trade restrictions,imports from the United States have barely flowed into that nation.However,imports will flood in,if China,the largest emerging market in Asia,joins the World Trade Organization.Although U.S. exports to China have increased over the past decade,the yearly total is still only about $ 12 billion,a tiny piece of all U.S. exports.Meanwhile,the United States has been a very good market for China's goods:U.S.imports about $50 billion worth of goods from China every year,up from roughly $10 billion worth of yearly imports just a decade ago.

    If China joins the WTO,the level of U.S. exports to China will skyrocket because high tariffs and various other trade restrictions will be removed.Today tariffs on imports into China range as high as 120 percent.As part of its bid for WTO membership,China has agreed to cut the average tariff rate to 15 percent by the year 2000.In addition,WTO membership would put trade with China under a more standardized legal framework,giving exporters and importers alike more consistent treatment.

    Another benefit of China's proposed WTO membership is that U.S. companies would within a few years be allowed to deal directly with Chinese companies instead of going through a trading company.Just as important,U.S. manufacturers would finally be able to market directly to Chinese consumers.Such an import-friendly environment would be bound to open new trade opportunities for U.S. businesses—which is why many U.S. officials favor WTO membership for China.

Ⅵ.Translate the following into English(25%):






Ⅶ.Answer the following questions in English(15%):

1.Why and how are Incoterms used?Give two commonly used terms to illustrate.

2.How is D/A different from D/P after sight?Which is safer for the exporter?


a. protectionism
b. insolvent
c. make delivery
d. CIF
e. share-holder/shareholders

(1) c     (2) e    (3) d     (4) g     (5) f

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