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2003年7月浙江省高等教育自学考试英美文学选读试题 2007-12-13 10:50:46 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

 Ⅰ.Find the items in the right column which fit the left column the best and write your letters on the Answer Sheet.(10%)
1.Chaucer A. Mary Ann Evans 
2.Hamlet B. The father of English poetry 
3.Coleridge C. Jane Austen 
4.The Waste Land D. T.S.Eliot 
5.Theodore Dreiser E. John Milton 
6.Carl Jung F. Collective Unconscious 
7.self-reliance G. An American Tragedy 
8.Greorge Eliot H. blood and thunder thrille 
9.Pride and Prejudice I. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
10.Paradise Lost J Lake Poet 
 Ⅱ.Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook.(20%)
 1.In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works. This tendency is known as         .
 2.Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose. He is almost unsurpassed in the writing of simple, direct, precise prose. He defined a good style as “_______.”
 3.Wordsworth is regarded as a “_______.”He can penetrate to the heart of things and give the reader the very life of nature.
 4._______ is the most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens’ works.
 5.In his long dramatic career, Shaw wrote more than _______ plays.
 6.James Joyce is regarded as the most prominent _______ novelist, concentrating on the revealing in his novels the psychic being of the characters.
 7.Galsworthy is essentially a bourgeois liberal, a_______.
 8.Structurally and thematically, Shaw followed the great tradition of _____.
 9.Most of Faulkner’s works are about people from a small region in _______, Yoknapatawpha County.
10.In Our Times  is the first book to present a Hemingway hero—_______.
 Ⅲ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and write you answer on the Answer Sheet.(10%)
1._______ is regarded as “worshipper of nature.”
  A. Coleridge     B. Wordsworth
  C. T.S.Eliot     D. Robert Browning
 2.Marlowe’s play Dr.Faustus is based on _______ of a magician aspiring for knowledge and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the devil.
   A. the Scandinavian    B. the German
   C. the ancient English    D. the French
 3.Who defined a good style as “proper words in proper places?”
   A. Jonathan Swift    B. Charles Dickens
   C. Edmund Spencer    D. George Bernard Shaw

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