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全国2004年10月高教自考英语写作基础试题 2007-10-24 10:42:21 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

There is no army, air force or navy. There is no tipping for anything. There are no large stores open on Saturdays and on Sundays. Since Iceland is situated just under the Arctic Circle, there is no darkness in summer and no daylight in winter. Therefore, people prefer summer to winter. But thanks to Gulf Stream, the climate is rather mild, with temperatures ranging from thirty-four degrees Fahrenheit to fifty-two degrees in July.
The rules on television, liquor, and guns are the result of governmental decision. But the absence of pollution is due in great part to the hot springs that come out of the ground; in fact, Iceland uses only 3 percent of all its available power.
Write a letter of complaints according to the following situation: You (Liu Dan)bought an air conditioner in Sun Appliances and had it installed the other day, but you found that the fan made too much noise when the machine operated. You demand the store to send a representative to check it up. In your letter, provide the specific defects of the air conditioner, the date of purchase, the serial number of it and the way to contact you.(150-200words)

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