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全国自考综合英语(一)2005年1月试题 2007-12-6 10:09:27 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

C. has eaten       D. ate

17. The doctor said that the patient had (   ) at once.
A. to operate       B. to be operated    
C. to operate on      D. to be operated on

18. To answer correctly is more important than (   ).
A. answered quickly     B. a quick answer
C. quickly answered     D. to answer quickly

19. Suddenly it (   ) to me that I’ll have to water the plants in the garden tomorrow.
A. occurred       B. occurs
C. was occurred      D. is occurred

20. I have done everything (   ) I can do for you.
A. that        B. which
C. what        D. whatever

21. Hardly (   ) when there was a power cut.
A. has the film started     B. had the film started
C. the film started      D. started the film

22. Kurt did so well in his speech today that he (   ) it many times in the past week.
A. should have practiced     B. must have practiced
C. would have practiced     D. could have practiced

23. I can’t understand (   ) a decision until it is too late.
A. him to postpone to make    B. his postponing to make
C. his to postpone making    D. his postponing making

24. It was the training that he had as a young man (   ) made him such a good engineer.
A. that        B. what
C. has        D. who

25. (   ),a car knocked her down.
A. Walking home      B. As she walked home
C. While walking home     D. Having walked home

26. (   ) his speech, the audience was invited to ask questions.
A. Finishing       B. As soon as he finished
C. On finishing      D. Having finished

27. He said he wrote the song by himself,(   ) was not true.
A. which        B. that
C. it         D. what

28. Important (   ) his discovery was,it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.
A. to        B. for
C. as        D. although

29. Don’t forget to post the letter for me,(   )?
A. do you        B. will you
C. are you       D. can you

30. It was recommended that they (   ) for the doctor.
A. has waited        B. waited
C. wait        D. should have waited


Passage 1

  More attention was paid to the quality of production in France at the time of Ren Coty. Charles Deschanel was then the financial minister.He stressed that workmanship and quality were more important than quantity for industrial production. It would be necessary to produce quality goods for the international market to compete with those produced in other countries. The French economy needed a larger share of the international market to balance its import and export trade.

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